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Guangyuan Nanhe Bus Station to Jianmenguan Scenic Area, Jianmenguan South Gate to Guangyuan Bus

Introduction: Guangyuan Nanhe Bus Station to Jianmenguan Scenic Area, Jianmenguan South Gate to Guangyuan Bus 1. Jianmenguan South Gate to Guangyuan Bus 2. How to take the bus from Guangyuan South Station to Jianmenguan 3. How long does it take to get from Guangyuan to Jianmenguan by car? 4. Bus timetable from Jianmenguan Scenic Area to Guangyuan 5. How to take the bus from Guangyuan Bus Terminal to Jianmenguan 6. Bus timetable from Jianmenguan to Guangyuan 7. How to take the bus from Guangyuan Bus Station to Jianmenguan

1. Driving route from Jianmenguan South Gate to Guangyuan Bus

: The total distance is about 59.4 kilometers

Starting point: Jianmenguan National Forest Park

1. Start from the starting point due east, drive 100 meters, turn right

2. Drive 1.1 kilometers and turn to the right

3. Drive 680 meters and turn to the right

4. Drive 1.9 kilometers and turn left

5. Go 70 meters and turn right

6. Drive 130 meters and turn left

7. Drive 1.8 kilometers and turn left

8. Drive 60 meters and turn left

9. Drive 1.2 kilometers and turn right to the Beijing-Kunming Line

10. Drive 520 meters along the Beijing-Kunming Line and go straight into the Jianmenguan Tunnel

11. Drive along the Jianmenguan Tunnel for 1.2 kilometers and go straight into the Beijing-Kunming Line

12. Drive 9.7 kilometers along the Beijing-Kunming Line and take the ramp

13. Drive 670 meters along the ramp and go straight onto the Beijing-Kunming Expressway

14. Drive along the Beijing-Kunming Expressway for 29.4 kilometers, at the Guangyuan exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

15. Drive along the ramp for 460 meters and turn left

16. Drive 170 meters and go straight into the Beijing-Kunming Line

17. Drive along the Beijing-Kunming Line for 530 meters and turn slightly right into Binjiang Road

18. Drive along Binjiang Road for 6.4 kilometers and go straight into the Beijing-Kunming Line










?从门关乘坐公交车,只能游览昭化古城返回广元后,从广元南和汽车站乘坐前往剑门关的公交车。郑重提醒:“剑门关”已不是当年的关隘了。现在的“剑门关”是“汶川地震”后重建的仿古建筑。真正的“剑门关”要追溯到1935年修筑川陕公路时。它被拆除了。 ,




楼上白痴? 1、沿108国道行驶约50公里,驾车最慢只需50分钟。 2、由于绵广高速明天通车,在广元走G5高速,在剑阁县下高速(高速费13元)。按照导航直走十几分钟就到了。全程预计需要40分钟!


在广元南河汽车站乘坐“剑门关公交车”。记住,是去“剑门关”,不是去剑阁。上车后告诉司机往北门或南门走。司机到达后会请您下车。基本上,你下车就到达那里。可以通过三种方式返回。 1、在景区北门或南门等候,直至过广元马路。 2、在北门或南门乘坐公交车或面包车到剑阁汽车站,又名剑门关汽车站,乘坐直达广元的公交车。 3、景区南门有客运司机,旺季和节假日都会在停车场下的广场。门票可以向他购买,价格是一样的。




3。从宝轮镇乘坐班车到【剑阁】(面包车,10元)。到达剑阁后,按 面对方式。

